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GENRE: Adventure
November 18, 2001
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 Written by Ryan Smotherman  on October 12, 2001

Nintendo Cube Club 2001 Atlanta: Haha, you guys didn't get to go

It's no secret. Gaming Target is no Gamespot, IGN, or even GamerWeb. In turn, we rarely get an opportunity to bring you an exclusive news story or article. However, when the chance arises, we are sure to jump on it. For example, back in early June Matt and Kevin attended the Game Boy Advance Team Tour, bringing everyone first-hand details on everything that went on. And it just so happens that we were one of the only sites on the net to bring coverage of that event. This time around, Arthur and I (yes, the Xbox Target EIC) decided to attend Nintendo's new Gamecube promotional event, the Cube Club. Wondering what to expect when you go? And should you go? All that is answered right here, plus our impression on the system and all the games that made the tour. Now hurry, start that reading!

What would you do for a Klondike Bar? WhoopsЕ I mean- what would you do to play a Gamecube before launch? Well, for Arthur and me, we traveled well over 400 miles, clocking in over 8 hours of driving time. This is of course the combined total of the trip there and back, we're not freaks, or are we? Bottom Line: Don't you ever say we're not УhardcoreФ. Anyways, the original plan was to arrive right as soon as it opened, didn't happen. Arthur and me, with our massive amounts of intelligence, forgot the fact that Atlanta is in the Eastern Time Zone, unlike where we are from, Middle Tennessee, which is in the Central Time Zone, we're not exactly the brightest crayons in the box you know. So our planned arrival of 6 p.m. soon turned into 7 p.m. O well, we still had 5 straight hours to experience everything the Gamecube has to offer.

As we arrived at the club we were greeted by some friendly security guards (we don't want to those Gamecube's stolen now do we?) and a Nintendo employee. We explained that we are from and are planning on doing a story about our experiences at the show, seems easy enough. Except for one small detail, the guy wouldn't allow us to take any photos. His reason? He explained that Nintendo didn't want any bad photos of the Gamecube getting out because people will see them and think the УX-cubeФ is better. Yes, he actually said УX-cubeФ, now, if he said that in a jokingly manner or if he's that stupid is beyond me. To be honest though, we didn't plan on taking pics of the actual game screens, for the simple reason that everyone has seen them. What we did plan on was taking pics of all the people playing the games and the overall environment. Regardless of what it was for, we didn't get any pics, sorry.

I have to admit, I didn't expect much before we walked in. You know, maybe 20 or so systems set up with a decent crowd of people there. Boy was I wrong. Instead, there was 40, count Сem, 40 huge TVs set up with Gamecube action on every single one. The place was full gamers just salivating at the chance to play the newest console from the masters of gaming (right after Sega, hehe). It's called the Cube УClubФ for a reason. There was a very clubish atmosphere, complete with a D.J. busting out the phat beats, strobe lights flickering, and different color lights dancing everywhere with Nintendo related images, such as a spinning Mario and the name of the event- УNintendo's Cube ClubФ. Also, there was a nice little lounge to go sit in just incase you had enough cubing (get it? Instead of clubbing I put cubing, me funny). Soon after we absorbed the environment, which I would call hip and enjoyable, we began our search to play some Gamecube goodness.

The first thing I noticed as we began looking over all the games there was that a couple third-party games made the show. These included Madden 2002 andЕ andЕ. Super Monkey Ball!!! I couldn't believe it. Nintendo only promoted their games, so we didn't expect to see any third-party titles make it, but boy am I glad theyЕ er, it did. The Nintendo lineup included included Eternal Darkness, Super Smash Brothers: Melee, Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Eternal Darkness, Star Wars: Rouge Squadron II, Wave Race: Blue Storm, Star Fox Adventures, and NBA Courtside. The systems were set up in a variety of ways, this to take advantage of multiplayer games. For example, one set-up allowed you to play the one player story mode in SSBM, while another had four controllers, allowing for a four-way brawl between anyone who wanted to step up. This was also true with such titles as Super Monkey Ball, NBA Courtside, and Madden 2002.

Probably the coolest things at the show were what Nintendo dubbed the УCubistically Correct ZoneФ. There were four УcubeФical type areas that contained a massive HDTV, complete with a Panasonic surround sound system. Though this was real neat-o, Nintendo's warning seemed a bit overzealous, УWarning: Prepare yourself for the ultimate gaming experienceФ. This was very close to the УultimateФ gaming experience, but not quite there. Where are the lazy boy recliners and the beer? No one wants to stand up while the play a game, at least not while sober. The four games that were playable this way were Super Smash Brothers, Rouge Squadron II, Luigi's Mansion, and Wave Race. Something that would have even furthered the experience would have been better games, more on this later.

After hours of constant gaming, except for the time spent waiting in line to play the next game, a Nintendo rep connected a Gamecube to a projector that propelled a massive image of the system onto a screen. If you ever wanted to play a videogame on a movie-sized screen, now's your chance. What was this used for? Some good ole fashioned competition. Apparently it was prize hour. The first game was the Madden competition. All you had to do was toss a TD from I believe the 50 yd. Line in four downs. Now this seems as if it'd be difficult, but I was amazed how often somebody won. Even Arthur busted out a TD on I believe his third play and won, now my turn! O wait, he got the last prize, damn him, o well, all they were giving out was a Madden 2002 T-Shirt, which I really didn't care for. The next game was Super Monkey Ball!!! Sorry for all the explanation points, I just really love this game.

Super Monkey Ball itself is comprised of multiple games and options. One happens to be a four-player battle in which you had to knock your opponent off the stage area. I admit this was sort of mindless fun, but you just can't beat four total strangers, who all love games, going at it in a brand new game on a brand new system. A game made by SEGA no less, you see, Sega unites the world. I did realize one thing from this experience; I suck at the battle mode portion of the game, well, Art and me both. As we were slaughtered and didn't win a subscription to Gamepro, aww shucks, and I wanted it so badЕ NOT. After that, it was closing time. We were sort of glad, our feet were killing us from the continuous standing, our brains were drained from the 5 hours of constant gaming, and we really needed to get started on our trek back home.

Hands-on Impressions - Hardware
The System
Ryan: I knew the Gamecube was small from the get go. But when I finally saw it in person it still surprised me on just how tiny it actually is. I bet it would take 4 or 5 of them to equal the size of one Xbox. But then again, the Xbox does have a lot of extras in it, like a hard-drive, Ethernet adapter, and an internal DVD drive; unlike the Gamecube's top loader. Thankfully, there will be a variety of colors available soon, because that purple just doesn't cut it. We're not all girls here Nintendo. As for the systems capabilities, I was very underwhelmed. Honestly, I expected to be blown away by the system's graphical capabilities, but that just didn't happen. Not much more than what I've seen the PS2 do. Then again, this is the first generation of games, so they should get hell of a lot better. All in all, the system is very, very nice. Plus, you can always look like a super dork and walk around carrying it by its nifty little handle.

Arthur: Like Ryan, I always thought of the Gamecube as being small, but I didn't realize how small it really was. Even though the system is incredibly small it pumps out some massive graphics and sound. Every game had crisp graphics and killer sound effects. I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched how the graphics just seemed to flow so effortlessly, putting the Playstation 2 to shame. One other thing I noticed is how little the loading time is for every game. It takes no time at all to get started with playing your games, I almost forgot that I was playing on a CD based system and not a cartridge one.

The Controller
Ryan: The Gamecube controller is easily one of the greatest controllers ever created. Though we can credit the Playstation controller for a lot of the design, the Gamecube one has more going for it. It just fits in your hand perfect. It molds to your hand and becomes apart of you. Plus, just like the PS2 and Xbox controllers, it has a nice built in rumble feature. My only complaint would be the odd button placement on the right side. But that'll just take some getting used to.

Arthur: Ryan put it best when he said УIt just fits in your hand perfectФ. There really is no other way to describe it. If it weren't for how small the УBФ button is the controller would be perfect. Even with its one flaw the controller still is truly awesome. Lets just hope the games will take advantage of everything the controller has to offer.

Hand-on Impressions - Software
Eternal Darkness
Ryan: The demo featured here only allowed you to play the first mission for each of the three characters, but it certainly gives you a feel of the game. The problem is that the environment there was not right. Games like this (Resident Evil and Silent Hill) need to be played in the dark, with the sound up, and you home alone. Not in a crowded place with minimal volume. Though the game did seem very good, and challenging.

Arthur: The graphics for this game are unbelievable (yes, yes, I know, graphics aren't everything, but it sure does make for some nice eye candy). The 3 characters are finely detailed and feel different from one another. Each of them also had their own unique weapon and style of fighting. Although we could only play through the first chapter of each person it gave you more then enough time to realize what this game was all about.

Luigi's Mansion
Ryan: You know what, I was actually surprised on just how fun this game is. Before I played it I was a little iffy on whether I believed I'd like it or not, but it turned out to be a great game. Sucking up ghosts in a Ghost Buster inspired backpack will supply hours of entertainment. Nice graphics too, especially the lighting effects.

Arthur: First thing you will see when looking at Luigi's Mansion is the childish look it has, but then again, as everybody knows- looks aren't everything. The game is surprisingly challenging and in a sense, eerie. I went to the show thinking that the game would just be ok and that it wouldn't be the type of game I would buy. All I can say now is that I'm glad I went, because now I won't miss this revolutionary game from master Miyamoto.

Madden 2002
Ryan: Madden 2002 wasЕ well, Madden, and I'm sure we've all played this a million times before. Graphically the game wasn't too different from the PS2 version, it seemed to run smoother, but it still contains oddball graphics in some places. Is it just me or do the players look like midgets with big heads? And also, the crowd looks extremely 8-bit. Nevertheless, Madden was one of the most popular games there.

Arthur: Madden was at the show in a blow out fashion. I didn't get a chance to get a hand on this game until the club was almost closed because of all the people playing it. When I finally got chance to play the game it didn't really shock me that it ran smoother than NFL 2K2 and plays about the same. I just wish I had more time with the game to learn more about; O well, I guess ill just have to wait till November 18th.

NBA Courtside
Ryan: Art and I played a full game of Courtside, and I must say, it's not that bad for a B-ball game. It played very smoothly and was fully enjoyable. However, the graphics did not impress. Just like Madden, Courtside contains some horrible crowd graphics, though the beef of the visuals ran very smooth and the players looked nice.

Arthur: NBA Courtside is probably the best basketball game I have played to date. Everything about the game runs fluently without flaw. The dunks are amazing, the players look realistic, and you can't just run around stealing the ball like you could in the previous version. This definitely looks to be one of Nintendo's best games.

Ryan: To be perfectly honest with everyone, I didn't get much playtime with Pikmin. It just seemed too slow paced for my taste (hey, that rhymed). It's one of those games where you're going to have to sit down and think about, and this certainly wasn't the setting for that.

Arthur: Unlike Ryan, I got a little bit of a chance to play this game. Pikman is definitely an innovative game. The idea of taking little garden friends and chucking them at enemies is actually quite fun, and how they tear down walls for you is great too. It's sort of like being the head of a wrecking crew, with a bunch of munchkins running around doing all of your dirty work.

Star Fox Adventures
Ryan: Yet another game I didn't get much playtime with. For some reason the game had the least amount of space, only occupying 2 sets. But from what I played, it looked nice and played solidly. There was a good mixture of shooter and adventure gameplay.

Arthur: This is supposed to be one of Nintendo's best and they only have it set up on two TVs? So hence I didn't even get a chance to play this game with people always occupying the game. Though, it looked amazing from what I saw.

Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II
Ryan: This is the game all you Star War fans are just dieing to play. And for good reason. Rouge Squadron II had some intense shoot-em-up gameplay with probably the best graphics at the show. My only problem was that I couldn't ever figure out what my mission was, but I'm sure that's just my stupidity kicking into full gear.

Arthur: I walked in thinking highly of this game, and what usually happens when you do that? Exactly, you get disappointed, but this wasn't the case this time. Everything Nintendo promised is there. The graphics are great, the missions superb, and its just pretty damn cool to be able to blow up the Dark Star. This is definitely one of Nintendo's must have games.

Super Monkey Ball
Ryan: This game just totally sucked! Yeah, right. In my opinion, Super Monkey Ball was the best game there. Hehe, a Sega game was the best game on Nintendo's new system. My how times have changed. My Sega addiction isn't playing any role in this decision either. Okay, maybe a little. The game just has it all- tons of gameplay options, in both single and multiplayer modes, УsuperФ addicting gameplay, and some gorgeous, if somewhat plain looking graphics. I'm half tempted to purchase a Gamecube at launch just for this puppyЕ err, I mean monkey. Be sure to pick this up on launch day.

Arthur: Surprisingly, this game has a high fun factor. The idea of running a monkey around a board and smashing him into a ball to beat a level seems kind of weird at first, but its amazingly fun. This game is sure to bring some diehard Sega fans over to the Gamecube.

Super Smash Brothers: Melee
Ryan: I hate to be the party pooper here, but the Smash Brothers series just doesn't do it for me. I didn't like the N64 version and I don't like this one. It seems as if Nintendo is just using their characters to make some extra dough. All they did was throw some of the most popular videogame characters ever into a button mashing, lackluster gameplay fighting engine. Not my idea of fun. But then again I could be wrong. SSBM was one of the most popular games there.

Arthur: I wont be the party pooper as Ryan is. I loved the first one, and the second one is even better. The game is a lot like the first in play style, but this one moves a lot faster, giving for a much better 4-player death match. The single player mode in this appears to be much like a story mode. Although I didn't get to play the story mode, it certainly looks to be the best improvement for SSBM.

Wave Race: Blue Storm
Ryan: Words can't describe how utterly horrible I am at this game. I outright suck. But that doesn't mean I can't have fun though, right? Even though Blue Storm is basically Wave Race 64 with much improved graphics, it's still quite fun. It contains some of the best water effects of all time. It even splashes up on the screen at you! Now that's realistic.

Arthur: This honestly is the only game I really didn't enjoy at the Gamecube Club. It might just be me, but I've never really been into Wave Race style games. So all I really have to say about this game is that you won't believe how real the water looks. It's truly amazing, and I have never seen anything like it. The reflections move with the waves in the water as it does in real-life.

Final Thoughts and Opinions
Ryan - The Casual Nintendo Gamer
Everyone around here (as well as their mom) knows that I'm the resident Sega fanatic. So, you can imagine that I'd have a rocky relationship with Nintendo and their systems. Hmm, that huge 16-bit war might have had something to do with it. As it stands, the last system I purchased from the Big N was the 8-bit NES (I also have a GBC, but handhelds don't count), no SNES and no N64. But all that's about to change. Actually, I decided on purchasing the Gamecube long before I attended the Cube Club. The system is in a word- remarkable, both in terms of its design and abilities. However, my plans on when I will purchase it have not changed (my Gamecube purchase plan doesn't begin until sometime next year). With the exception of Super Monkey Ball, I don't see myself buying any of these games in the future. Not that they are bad in any way, just not my cup of tea. Lastly, I'd like to commend Nintendo on the whole Cube Club idea. Everyone seemed to have a great time experiencing the new system in this fashion, and I look forward to attending similar events on down the line.
Best Game: Duh, Super Monkey Ball (haven't you been paying attention?)
Most Surprising Game: Luigi's Mansion (I knew SMB was going to be good)
Coolest Thing There: Me
Lamest Thing There: Not enough swag (meaning free goodies)
Prizes Won: Nadda, Nothing, Zilch :(
Worth the 8 hours of Driving?: No, I was with Arthur the whole time... ahhhh!!!

Arthur - The Hardcore Nintendo Gamer
I have been a Nintendo fan since back in the days when the NES first launched. Ever since then I've owned every system Nintendo has ever created, with the exception of Virtual Boy (I'm actually glad I didn't own this one). УWhat am I getting at?Ф you're asking. Well basically, from a Nintendo fans point-of-view this is an awesome system. This system comes with everything you would expect from Nintendo (except the color). Unless you're just a super-biased Xbox freak (like the people for their official magazine) or a Sony fanboy, you'll find something to your liking. Even those people who believe that blood and guts are necessary to make a good game, they have Eternal Darkness and a whole array of Resident Evils coming soon. Nintendo's Gamecube is definitely the system for everybody.
Best Game: Eternal Darkness
Most Surprising: Super Monkey Ball
Coolest Thing There: The use of HDTV's
Lamest Thing There: Dance Floor (their was no point for it to be there)
Prizes Won: Madden T-shirt (Ryan's jealous)
Worth the 8 hours of Driving?: HELL YEAH!!!!

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