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I Have Stopped Looking For Now

Game Profile
EA Games
GENRE: First Person Shooter
PLAYERS:   1-4
November 10, 2002
Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor

Medal of Honor: Airborne

Medal of Honor Heroes 2

More in this Series
 Written by Phil Cory  on April 29, 2004

Walkthrough: World War II is raging and if you want to bring our boys home safely you'll need Phil's walkthrough of Medal of Honor: Frontline.

Your Finest Hour
For your first history lesson, this takes place in Normady on D-Day, July 6th, 1944. Now for the gaming! When you start, head for the broken down boat a little to your left to meet the Captain. When the Captain gives you your covering fire, head right and make sure you crouch (L2) behind the blockades.а You will find a soldier who needs some covering fire, fire on the right gun turret and head towards the next soldier. He is located North-East, North being the direction of the gun turrets, of the last solider you rescued. Give him his covering fire and that leaves two more soldiers. Head directly West and you will find the next soldier. This time the covering fire goes to the left gun turrets. Rescue him and you got one more to go. He is located North-West from the third soldier. Fire on the third bunker and now its time to "rejoin the Squad at the Shingle Embankment." Now you have to go rescue the Engineer so he can blow a path. Go East and you should see him taking cover in a metal mess. Get him and give him is covering fire while he runs towards the Captain. Cross the mine field and grab hold of the gun turret and start killing everyone that crosses the path of you. It's got unlimited ammo so you should be good. When all the soldiers get eliminated fire on the bunkers so your team can cross and your done so far. Save your game and continue on.

Into the Breach
When it starts go straight and go through the door on the left. Make sure you pull out a better weapon like the Thompson or the M1 Garand. You notice when the door opens there is another gun turret just waiting for you to come in. Shoot the barrels in front of to cause an explosion and kill the "Turret Contoller." When you get in after the first turn go into the far room and clear that area out. Man the gun turret and shoot the people as they come in. Pick up everything you need to pick up and head up the stairs. When you get to the top shoot the radio operator and then shoot the radio to disable it. Go through the rooms and head up the ladder. After you kill the two soldiers, watch out, a grenade will fall down or if your quick you can kill the guy who sticks his head down. You can't go up the ladder so you must continue through the tunnels. Once through the hallways there will be a healthpack on the right, grab it if you need it. Go into the next room and you will hear a guy talking. If your stealthy enough, you can shoot the barrel in between them and kill both of them at once. After you kill those two, make sure you shoot the barrel by the doorway so you don't get blown up. Go into the next room and eliminate the soldiers. Take the left hallway first to get the smoke grenades and then go up the ladder in the other room. Clear the gun deck and the shoot the people on the other gun deck. Mark the gun deck and get out of there quickly because your own airplane will bomb it. That doesn't mean stand in the room behind it, means go through the other door and outside. Meet with the Captain and your done. Save your game and continue on.


Seaside Stowaway
When you start, go behind the crates and search the little white box to collect the "Resistance Drop." Head to the street and go left. Man the gun turret on the wrecked jeep and start shooting the enemy. When all is dead, go left and kill the enemy and collect some ammo while your at it. There is a healthpack in the right building if you need it. Now continue on up the road. Hide behind the rock on the left side and start killing. Once there all dead, if needed there are two Medicinal Canteens in the back. Go down the alley where the roof is cracked in the middle. Take a right at the end and now you have to crouch (L2) to get under the barrier. Meet with your squad and head up the street. Take a right to go around a building and chunk some grenades at the tank. Around three direct hits should be good enough to disable it. Head across the bridge and go right. More health and ammo are there if needed. Go straight and you will hear the radio say that they need fire on the tower. Go around the wall, and you will see a ladder, climb it to the top and man the turret. Leave the area and take a right. Go around the corner and take a left into the a building with barrels in it. On the left wall you have to crouch to go through the hole again. Kill all the enemies and head out. You see a tank blocking one way so now once again, you have to crouch to get through a wall. You can be sneaky and come up behind the enemy in the room and shoot him in the back of his head. Grab the "Fueling Roster" in this room. Head out of the room and kill the guys at the turret and once again, meet with your team. Kill some more of the enemies and the go back and shoot the barrels to blow up the wall so you can go through it. Once your in the grass area again, go trough the right path, shoot the "Turret Commander" and man the turret. Kill everyone and head up that way. Crouch to get in the crates and your done. Save your game and continue on.


Special Cargo
Open the crate and kill the two guys. Head out the door and there will be a guy "using the restroom" on the right. Go through the room and kill all those people and keep going up. Watch out for the cook, they tend to get angry and throw knives at you. Kill him and make sure you turn off the valves so you can go through. Go in the engine room and place some explosives in the back, now head out of the room. Go through the tunnel and kill the two enemies. Place some more explosives. Make sure you have your MP-40 before going into the next room. Keep going down the halls to disable the radio communication. Go all the way back so you can set the explosives in the "Fore Torpedo Room." Go back and kill the guy that pops out from is bunk. After you kill him get the health if you need to that's in there. Also right under the health is the "Enigma Code Book," you're going to need to grab that from the cabinent. Keep going back untill you reach a ladder. Go up the ladder and your done. Save your game and continue on.


Eye of the Storm
When you start go right and kill those people and the sniper. Go around the house and head up the other dock. Go up the stairs and then up the ladder. Go on the other side of the roof to pick up some new guns. Use your newly aquainted sniper and start sniping the people around you. Go back down the ladder and stairs and the U-Boat will blow up, good bomb placement. Follow the streets filled with enemies untill you reach a train. You can go around the train or you can go up and down the stairs over the train. It doesn't really matter, they both lead to the same place. Now, go up the ladder and follow the rooftops untill you get to a hole. Drop down the hole and kill all the enemies. A couple well thrown grenades will work good. Follow the street outside and take the first right. Take care of the sniper and head down the road. Plant bombs on all the trucks and head back to the wall to watch the fireworks. Go in the garage and turn off the alarm. Take a right and go into the other room. Pick up the deployement roster. Go back outside and destroy the last truck if haven't done so yet. Go up the fallen raling and and through the paths and your done. Save your game and continue on.


A Chance Meeting
When you start head to the right. Clear that area and work your way down to the gun turret. Flip the switch to detach the car and hop on the crates then the car to man the turret. Work your way around the streets and into the warehouse. Go through the door and kill all the enemies. Place bombs on the engines and get away quickly. Work your way out and acquire the blueprints on the table where the two scientists are. Work your away around and through the engineering place and go through the doors and up the stairs. On the left there is a venilation shaft, shoot it and crawl through it. Destroy the far right opening and get on the balcony. Kill everyone and go though the other side. Follow the hallways and go into the left room. Flip the switch and watch what happens. Return and go into the newly opened doorway. Go around the dock and up the stairs. Follow the hallways to the other dock. Kill everyone and and man the big gun. Blow up the people and destory the Fuel Depot and the box of crates. Now go plant the bomb on the other side of the boat and head out side and to the gates. Save your game and continue on.


Rough Landing
Go up the road and watch a person from your team get shot. Now this is just a fun map, a break from all the close range shooting. Time to whip out the sniper and start sniping people. Follow the road all the way to the end, just don't forget to get the kerosine from the camp fire. When you get to the end, go to the haystack and light it on fire and sit back and find a nice sniping point. The doors will open and you can snipe 'em. Go to the doors and your done. Save your game and continue on.


The Golden Lion
Start off by going straight. The very first right there are two guards sitting down. Kill them both and continue around the corner. Take a left at the end and take the bridge across the river. Take a left from the brdige into a small alleyway. Kill all the enemies and head into the green double door. There you can pick up the toolbox and disable all the vehicles. Now go back towards the river and take a left. Follow the street all the way down until you come to a left. Take that left and then take a right into some grassy area. Follow the path and head into the white door. Clear the area out and then shoot the alarm. Now disable all the cars and hop into the truck. Now your in a park looking area. Once again, clear the area out and go on the other side and open the gates. Go back around and hop into the truck. Now the truck crashes and your on foot again. Cross the other bridge and continue on untill you reach the Golden Lion Bar. Go in and tip the piano player. The upstairs that was blocked is now open so go up the stairs. Go outside and spill the beers. Watch the guys fight and the informant will open the back gate for you. Get in the passenger side of the truck and you done. Save your game and continue on.


Operation Repunzel
Since your still in your uniform you can walk around without being shot at. Go to the left and enter the door. When you get in your cover is blown, now you get to shoot people again. Coninue through the doorway. Go into the left doorway and kill the two men. Now you have a hallway full of people.. Go up the stairs and into the back. Grab the "Kitchen Key Set" and go back down the stairs. Search any paintings you can for a map. Open the right door and continue down that hall. Kill everyone and head up the ramp into the kitchen. Head into the back double doors and up the stiars into the next room. Pull out the shotgun and head outside. Go up the ramp and into the big room. Go down and get all the ammo and stuff. Come back up and go the other side of room. Search behind the back painting and you will find a map. Now you have to destroy all the clocks to find a document so go into the room by the steam room and start shooting. The documents are in a clock in this room. Go back out into the steam room and open the latch so you can crawl through. Talk with the lady and head up the stairs. Slide the bookcase over and go though the tunnels. Go all the way through into the room. Behind the right door is Gerritt. Grab him and take him out. Go to the next room and take him up the stairs. He is a slow walker so it's good for you to hurry up because there are alot of enemies out there. Now get him to the end of the ledge and he gets scared. Motivate him to jump and watch what happens. Now that you've laughed at the retard, jump into the hay bail and commandeer the enemy vehicle. Save your game and continue on.


Nijmegen Bridge
Go up the stairs and kill the two enemies. Cross the bridge and go down the stairs. Defuse the the four charges underneath the bridge and go back on top of it. Go across the bridge and then take the stairs back down. Again destroy the four charges and head back up top. Follow the bridge and go down the hill. Take a left and go in the white door. Take a right and go up the stairs. Shoot the barrel and destory the Anit Aircraft Gun. Now take the other hallway and get into theа truck. Save your game and continue.аааа


Yard by Yard
Go up the road and kill all the enemies behind the fence. Now open the door and go up the stairs. Then go in the room and man the turret, destroy the checkpoint and go back down another staircase. Go outside and continue down the road. Follow the brick pathway and open the gate on the right. Go in the house and up the stairs. Go into the right door and into the small hatch in the wall. When your out of the hatch, go into the right door and man the turret. To make life easy, just hit the red barrel and it will blow everything up. Go into the far room and you will find a health pack, and a guy usuing the bathroom. Now go downstairs. go out the back door and open the gate. Go outside and go into the small brick pathway. Open the gate at the end of the brick path and go into the house. Go up the stairs and into the hatch again. Man the turret and destroy the checkpoint. Go out the room and down the stairs. go out the back door and open the gate. Take a left and follow the brick pathway out into the streets. Take a left at the end and open the gates into yet, another backyard. Go into the house, up the stairs, and into the room on the right. There will be another hatch you have to crawl through. Once out of the hatch, go into the right room and destroy the checkpoint. Head into the backyard and out the gate. Follow the path. Kill the two people that were talking to the female and man the turret and kill the other four and destroy the tank. Follow the path all the way down untill you reach the last gate on the right. Go in the house and destroy the rado. Head back outside on the path and go into the brick building. When you get to the top floor go left and left untill you find a room. Get the ammo and go through the door. Head down the stairs and your done. Save your game and continue.


Arnhem Knights
This is a pretty self explanatory level. Follow the road all the way down untill you get to a house. Open the third floor door and find the contact. To destroy the tanks use the gun turrets and aim for the top. Save your game and continue on.


On Track
Leave your room and pick up the uniform and ID papers in the net room. Go outside and into the train station. Your disguise won't last that long. Head through the back door. Follow the rooms down the stairs and go up the stairs. Destroy the station controls and continue on through the doorway. Go through the kitchen. Head outside to to the train staion and go down the stairs. Then take the immediate left and go back up the stairs to the other side. Go all thw way down and open the last door on the left. Take a left and go up the stairs. Follow the halls untill your outside again. Follow the path all the way down and enter the door on your left to go up the stairs. head back outside and go through the doors on the left. Hop on the train and your done. Save your game and continue on.


Riding Out the Storm
Another pretty self explanatory level. Follow the train cars untill you reach the end. You have to be hasty when you are outside so you don't get blown up by the other train. Save your game and continue on.


Follow the train tracks into the station and kill all the enemies. Now go into the control room and change the levers so that the rails line up (down, down, up). Go back downstairs and ride the Engine. Now kill all the enemies again in go into the little area in the back. Grab the ammo and the explosives in the train car.а Continue to follow the train tracks and plant some explosives on the gates. Do a little sniping and plant the charges on the fuel holders. Go farther back and plant some more explosvies on the other fuel containers to destroy the Fuel Depot. Follow the train tracks and ride the other engine. Go through the door and do some more sniping. Once your done go left and climb up the ladder and into the door. Man the turret and kill the two guys on the right. Exit the building and follow the tracks to find your transportation. Save your game and continue on.а


Clipping Their Wings
Get out of the venilation shaft and shoot the enemy to your left. Head down the stairs and into the room on the other side. Flip the switch to open the garage. Go in the garage and through the door. Go into the room across the hall and check the chests for some goodies. Go around and head into the ammo room. Don't forget the spycamera in the last chest. Go through the door and out through the kitchen. Follow the brick hallways and into the control room. Push the red button and watch what happens. Now head out the door to the other side. When you get to the tiled area take the first right and enter the room on the right. The first blueprints are in there. Continue in the next room and take a picture of the other blueprints. Exit the room the way you came in and take a right. Go into the left room on the left and there is another blueprint. Continue on into the next room and take a picture of the other blueprint. Head outside and go right. Go into the last room and take a picture of the blueprint and grab the "Plans for the HO-IX." Now leave the room, take a left, and follow the hallway out. Follow the top balcony untill you get to the stairs and go down. Kill everyone and continue on throught the areas. At the end, take a right, and go into the little control room. Take the pressure switch and flip it all the way. Now go in front if it and launch the engine. Leave from the whole in the wall you just made and continue down stairs. Take the first right and follow the pathway. Go through the two big rooms and out the end by the tracks. Save your game and continue on.


Enemy Mine
Pretty fun level. Just get the bazooka and shoot the barrels. Watch out for the others with bazooka's by the tracks. Should be a piece of cake.


Under the Radar
Kill everyone when you start and grab the Demolition Charges on the right side of the stairs. Pull out the sniper and start sniping away. There is a Health Kit on the right and back where you started if you need it. When everyone is dead, go into the Radar Station and plant some explosives. After the Radar Station is blown up, go down the newly made hole. Go across and up the small ladder. There is another Health Kit on the left, behind the house and on the right by the blown up tower. When you get to the fork in the path, take the right route. The left side is blocked off. Keep going and eventually you'll reach another fork in the road. When you finally reach the end, go up the ladder and plant another explosive at the Radar Station. Go down your newly made whole and continue through the hills. When you get to the next "spot," go in the room and radio the Allies of your position. Leave the room and take a right. Finally! The mission is over and your done. Save your game and continue on.


Stealing the Show
First off let me say to save the bazookas for the end. Now, right when you start off it gets crazy. You can win this many different ways, but what I think the best way is to, go left at the beginning. Destroy the barrel by the gun turret and man the turret yourself. Destroy the barrels on the left and right side. If you see your health get in the red, pick up the meds behind you. There are two of them and another by the tree and by the right door behind the rock. After you get the health, head right and go through the door, killing people on your way. Don't stop to kill them, once you go through the door, turn around and fire. People will start chasing you and coming through that same door and you can hit them. When your done, go into the red room on the left. Clear the area and head through the door on the right. Here is the time for your bazooka's shoot the people in the hangar and hop onto the plane.


Congradulations, you have just beaten Medal of Honor: Frontline

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